8 must-take photo’s for baby’s first year
There’s only one time in your life, we all squeal, kiss toes, and champion wrist rolls. Our motto: Flaunt it while you got it, baby!
find your way around
We realized right away when Starla came for her consultation we were going to be a great fit for each other. Her husband Parker is the pastor of IWC. And he’s pretty cool himself,
We’ve been family photographers in Savannah, GA, for 25 years (May 2021) documenting thousands of sweet stories and celebrated milestones throughout the years.
But you want to know the scariest part of this job? We’ve heard it time and time again throughout our years here. It’s hearing a high school mom say, “Where did the time go? I can’t believe senior year is here.” It’s seeing her wipe the tears as we show her the images knowing full well she feels like it was just yesterday she was rocking that baby to sleep with milk dribbling from his mouth. The scariest part is knowing that the time always comes more quickly than we could have ever imagined. “Time flies” they all say. And one day without us even noticing…
8 must-take photo’s for baby’s first year
There’s only one time in your life, we all squeal, kiss toes, and champion wrist rolls. Our motto: Flaunt it while you got it, baby!