If we can be honest, black and whites are our favorite here in the studio. In fact if I’m really honest, in my own home, I don’t have even have a single color image of us on the wall. *GASP* But you say, “The color is so pretty and dreamy,” and while that may be true, I’m an old school classic girl at heart. Here’s a short list of why we think Black and Whites are ESSENTIAL to your wall galleries.
- Black and whites are known for Emotion. With color gone, it’s purely about the emotion being conveyed in an image. And if your anything like me, I want to forever remember those sweet snuggles and giggles of my baby because it went by ENTIRELY in a flash. Some days, I don’t even remember what it was like holding a teeny tiny baby in the NICU. But the images I have of him and I there are actually quite tear, jerkingly, beautiful, even though it was rough time for our family. Black and whites hold laughter and tears and love so very well. And it’s one of my very favorite reasons why I love them so much.
2. Black and whites reduce the image into the essence of what’s really going on. While color can be so beautiful and certainly intoxicating, black and white images drastically get straight to the point (hello black and white thinkers these are your images!). There’s nothing to distract and nothing to compete. Just simple pure goodness in your face. Black and whites emphasize the subject(s) on a wider scale.
3. Black and Whites are time honored. While trends come and go, black and whites hold true. And it’s because they just never get old. No matter what year it is, black and whites stay classic. And that’s one of our favorite words. We adore images and art that can stand stunning on your walls for generations. So that sweater you insisted on wearing in 2002 isn’t going to be so awful years down the road. Whew! Tragedy avoided. (Also, on children, we’re a big fan of traditional clothing like our friends at Feltman Brothers produce. They’ve been in business for over a 100 years now and they STILL make some of the same outfits they did 5o years ago….time honored for sure. You can purchase locally from Sara Jane’s Children’s Boutique on Abercorn and 37th.)
4. I love that black and whites can hide the not so perfect. Like the image of me holding Woods in the NICU. We were certainly not dressed for the occasion nor was the lighting ideal by any means, but a simple conversion to black and white makes all the difference. Eliminating the distractions of a polar bear sleeper the precious NICU nurses had put him in and drawing your eye straight to that mama snuggle. Looking at the image brings back so many memories for myself of how I felt in those days, and I can see it all over my face. And to be quite honest, it wasn’t until a few months ago that I really loved those images taken there. I’m so overjoyed we have them now.
5. And Black and whites don’t always have to be all black and white. We’re also a big fan of warm black and whites around here. It seems like in these next 5 images they could easily been taken now or in 1957. I mean whichever.
Are you a fan yet? We certainly hope you are because we don’t think it gets any better than this kind of storytelling. Real, honest, true, and classic. Do you have a reason you love black and whites that we didn’t mention? Or which reason is your favorite? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Also, if you’re wondering what you should wear in your family portraits we created a super helpful guide for that down below! Just enter your information and you’ll have it in a jiffy!
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